Skyline Ridge Property Owners' Association
2021 Annual Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2021`
Scott Amaral & Andrea Weinstein Lei-Anne Ellis
Tess Lundberg Tom and Lauren Staley (Via Zoom)
Sharon Sparkowich Ed & Charlotte Williams
Bob Gross
Treasurer’s Report
Tess Lundberg gave a reported that on association’s balance sheet.
Starting balance (9/1/20) of association’s bank account was $18,918.90
Total FY’20 paid dues ($575/yr.) amounted to $19,475
This amount included late association fee penalties
Four owners have not paid their dues; three of them have liens on their properties.
Total FY’20 association expenses are shown below:
Road Maintenance - $12,400.00
Front Entrance Gardens - $1,000.00
Liability Insurance - $1,627.72
Directors/Officers Insurance - $803.00
Website - $102.00
Envelopes/Printer Supplies - $92.41
Postage - $33.00
Total: $16,058.13
Ending Balance of the association’s bank account was $23,295.04
Recognition of Charlotte Williams – Front Entrance Garden
Trustees recognized Charlotte Williams for her excellent work on the entrance garden
Due to her recent purchases, the Trustees have increased her annual budget from $1,000 to $2,000
Road Maintenance
Owners are asked not to contact David Boomsma, who maintains the road, directly
They should contact Tess Lundberg, Trustee in charge of roads, for any issue
Boomsma has been asked to repair gullies caused by rain run-off
A question was asked about cutting tress that block the right hand exit onto Bonny Rigg Hill road as it blocks the driver’s view. Trustees will check with town as this may not be on association’s property.
High Speed Internet
Bob Gross, the person in charge of overseeing high speed internet for the Town, came to the meeting to discuss this work.
He said the town covers 99% of the expense.
Homeowners only incur costs when there is a long distance between telephone poles and their home.
There are two different appointments needed for installation: 1) pulling the cable to the house and 2) connecting and installing the modem in the house.
Work pulling the cable to the house (step 1 above) must be done before the ground freezes.
Lei-Anne will forward his email to all homeowners so they can contact him for their
TetraHydra AgTek LLC’s Application for Marijuana Cultivation License at 509 Quarry Road
TetraHydra wishes to open a Tier 11 (100,000 sq. ft.) marijuana grow farm close to our cul-de-sac.
This facility would bring between $500,000 to $1,000,000 in Community Impact Fees to the Town of Becket. Funds should be used to off-set the costs incurred by hosting such a facility.
To date, the Town has entered into a contract with TetraHydra which means they just have to obtain a Special Permit from the Planning Board
Skyline Ridge trustees are working with Indian Lakes Association Board in an attempt to either stop this facility from being build or to obtain the best conditions to protect us.