Skyline Ridge

Skyline Ridge is a private residential community established in 2004 nestled in the heart of the Berkshires. Situated in Becket, MA, Skyline Ridge boasts breathtaking mountain views and natural beauty in an idyllic landscape setting. There are 33 lots ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4.5 acres.

Skyline Ridge Property Owners’ Association 

2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

Skyline Ridge Property Owners’ Association


Members Present

David Edell, Marsha Edell, Tess Lundberg, Jim McKellar, Nate Poudrier, Sandy Poudrier, Mark Weber, Charlotte Williams


Dave Edell reported that the Board has been communicating a lot throughout the year. He recognized Tess Lundberg for helping with organizing, contact with the town and contact with our road maintenance contractor.

 Charlotte Williams has been taking care of the front entrance gardens. She has hired some gardeners to do some additional work with plans to supplement the soil, add mulch , and establish perennials in lieu of annual flowers. Seasonal decorations will also be part of the plans.  Dave Edell recognized that the Williams are very generously subsidizing the costs of this project that are exceeding the board’s annual allotment of $1,000 for garden maintenance.

Dave Edell also let the homeowners know that the board , in response to the Covid 19 pandemic, made charitable donations to several local businesses in March and April.

Treasurer’s Report

Tess Lundberg reported that are HOA account balance was $17,904 in September 2019, and is $18,920 as of September 2020. Income from annual dues was $15,525 . One lot has been taken by the town of Becket for non-payment of property taxes and is not paying dues. Five other lots did not pay annual dues in 2019. We have liens on 3 lots. Discussions about our options were initiated with the legal firm that had handled previous business for the association. Their response was slow due to the Covid 19 shut down. The office has reopened but they have not replied to several attempts to move forward. At this time we will look for another legal firm to address the situation.


  • Road Maintenance & Repairs

The board will be meeting with the road maintenance contractor to discuss increasing the amount of road surface material that is  put down each year, addressing some drainage issues on Skyline Ridge Road between Valley View Road and Bonny Rigg Hill Road, additional brush-hogging and tree canopy removal, and the removal of trees that created issues bowing across the roads during last winter’s ice storms.

There was discussion about recently posted real estate signs. The board contacted the realtor to remove the sign that was placed in front of the entrance garden, and to reduce the size of the signs being posted on lots

Dave Edell reported that residents have been very responsive and cooperative whenever issues came up through the past year,

Mark Weber asked that the minutes reflect the excellent work being done by the board.

  • Broadband and High Speed Internet Update

Bob Gross, manager of the Internet project for the Town of Becket reported they will be meeting with the construction company in the coming week. They hope to obtain a November 2020 start date for construction. There is a 22 month time line allowed once construction starts, with penalties for exceeding the time limit in place to encourage that the process is expedited. The town has been divided into 10 FSAs (Fiber Service Areas). Announcements will probably be made soon about which FSAs will be first to get network construction, testing, and subsequent house connections. We are in an FSA with the Indian Lakes HOA. It is not expected that we will be among the first to get network construction. Emails will be sent by the town with construction dates and early sign up/subsidy period information.


Dave Edell was re-elected to the board.

New Business

Charlotte Williams shared that the Drucker home at 108 Valley View Road was sold, with the closing last week.


Meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM