Skyline Ridge

Skyline Ridge is a private residential community established in 2004 nestled in the heart of the Berkshires. Situated in Becket, MA, Skyline Ridge boasts breathtaking mountain views and natural beauty in an idyllic landscape setting. There are 33 lots ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4.5 acres.

Skyline Ridge Property Owners’ Association 

2019 Annual Meeting Minutes



Sal Barbaro, Tanya Barbaro, Arnold Drucker, David Edell, Marsha Edell, Tess Lundberg, Charlotte Williams, Ed Williams, Jim McKellar


Jim McKellar reported that last year 29 out of 33 lots paid their annual dues. Unpaid dues are on the following lots:

Lot # 1 - Northtree (lien)

Lot #13 - Stan Borko

Lot #25 - Northtree (lien)

Lot #33 - Marjorie & Ed Perry (lien)

There was a discussion about placing a lien on Lot #13. The Board will contact our local real estate attorney that handled previous liens. We will also confirm if there is an expiration date on the existing liens that may need to be renewed.

There was a question about necessity of insurance expenses. General liability and directors/officers insurance are required by the association bylaws.



Concerns expressed about brushwork being done on a regular basis, sightlines at the intersection of Bonny Rigg Hill Road and Skyline Ridge Road. This year the road was resurfaced using a mix with larger gravel. It was generally agreed that this was not liked as much as previous years. The Board will request that future resurfacing be done using “driveway mix” that was used in previous years.

Ed Williams shared that if Johnson Road was improved by the town of Becket it would result in fewer flatbed trucks traveling on Bonny Rigg Hill Road. Dave Edell will reach out to the Indian Lake Homeowners Board to see if they would like to ally with us in approaching the town on this issue.


The Board recognized the significant and ongoing efforts by Charlotte Williams to improve the appearance of the front entrance gardens. Charlotte will be reimbursed $1,000 for her expenses for mulch, plants, etc.


Bob Gross from the Becket Broadband Committee gave us an update on progress. “Make ready” work is ahead of schedule and expected to be completed by the end of 2019. Bids for construction of the network are being sought and construction should begin in 2020. The town is divided into 10 Fiber Service Areas (FSA). Network construction will be done so that one FSA is completed before the next FSA is started. After the FSA is completed then drops to individual homes can begin. In order to generate income to defray ongoing costs, the town will probably focus on the highest revenue producing FSAs first. Skyline Ridge is part of the FSA that includes Indian Lakes. We won’t be the first to go but we do benefit by being grouped with this larger association.

The utilities entering Skyline Ridge are underground for the first 500 feet from Bonny Rigg Hill Road. Bob presented three options and estimated costs for bringing the needed wires over that section of road.

·       Overhead Solution $2,425.50, covers the 500’ gap between existing poles with 1 pole and 0 anchors.

·       Plowed Installation $7,137.42, minimal restoration, minimal crew mobilization charges, assumes no ledge

·       Open Trenched Installation $12,488.30, restoration of trenched areas, minimal crew mobilization charges, assumes no ledge.

If we choose the overhead solution there may be some subsidy available to offset some of the costs. If we choose the overhead solution the town would like to put a pole in this fall so that we would be ready for the next step. The town would own the pole and be responsible for any maintenance issues. Aerial installation can be more expensive in the long run due to maintenance issues like tree trimming.

General consensus of homeowners was to go with the overhead pole solution for the 500’ section of road at the entrance. The board will double check bylaws to determine if underground utilities were mandated in that 500’ section.

Town Counsel will draft an agreement to get permission from Skyline Ridge to install a pole.

For individual homes the drops are expected to costs between $1,200 to $2,200 per home for underground connections. Aerial connections are less expensive. If you have existing free and open underground conduit that does not contain electrical wires it might be used and would make your installation costs more in line with an aerial install. If you have an underground conduit with Verizon wires it could be used provided you terminate Verizon service and use the new Internet provider for your phone service. The town is expected to offer some subsidies for the individual home installations.

The Board will check to see if bylaws require underground installation to individual homes.

Bob Gross can be contacted at (413) 623-6655 or


The Algerie Road/Otis option was eliminated from consideration by Mass Department of Transportation. The two options in Blanford are still open. There will be a meeting in Blanford on Oct 10, 2019. Mass DOT has indicated that the project will not go forward if there is significant opposition by area residents.


The Declaration of Covenants, Easements and Restrictions does not address whether homeowners can rent their property. The members present discussed adding the proposed language below, which would require the approval of 2/3 of all property owners. The board will review and may propose possible courses of action at a future meeting.


Jim McKellar was re-elected to the board. Jim’s significant contribution as past Treasurer was recognized. Board member Tess Lundberg was elected to be Treasurer.


Charlotte Williams reported sighting of drones in the air on her property. Discussion of privacy and security issues. Any sighting of drones that seem to be invading privacy or behaving in a suspicious way should be reported to the Becket Police. Please inform the Board if this happens.


A motion to adjourn was made by Jim McKellar and seconded by Marsha Edell. The meeting was adjourned.

Proposed Language:

Owners may lease or rent homes for not less than thirty (30) consecutive days. Owners must contact the HOA Board President or Treasurer of their intent to rent and then provide the names and contact information of the all of the renters who will be staying at the house. Anyone staying at the house must be listed on their rental agreement. Rentals are limited to two people per bedroom of the house. Renters and guests must be alerted by the owner to the HOA rules regarding excessive noise, loud music, parties, use of the common roads, or any other activities which interfere with the comfort of other owners.