Skyline Ridge

Skyline Ridge is a private residential community established in 2004 nestled in the heart of the Berkshires. Situated in Becket, MA, Skyline Ridge boasts breathtaking mountain views and natural beauty in an idyllic landscape setting. There are 33 lots ranging from approximately 2.5 to 4.5 acres.

Skyline Ridge Property Owners' Association 

2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

October 19, 2018


David and Marsha Edell, Jim McKellar, Mark Weber, Sal Barbaro, Tess Lundberg, Charlotte & Ed Williams, Carleen Kristensen. 


Sal Barbaro called the meeting to order and offered opening remarks and welcomed the new homeowners. He noted that proxies had been received that would validate the election. 


Jim McKellar submitted a copy of the check register of the Association’s expenses and a list of homeowner and dues payment. The year started with $19,901.22 and after expenses showed a net $35.83.  Most homeowners pay their dues on time. A few have to be called and there are liens, approved at previous meetings, on properties where owners have not paid.

He noted that the main expense is the contract regarding the care and plowing of the road.  That contract ends 11/2019 and should be reviewed in the summer of 2019.


Sal Barbaro is stepping down as President. Those present expressed appreciation for his leadership and noted the many improvements that occurred during his terms as President.

Tess Lundberg was elected to the board and agreed to be the liaison with Derek Boomsma from our road maintenance company on a daily basis. Jim McKellar will continue as Treasurer and David Edell will serve as President.


Charlotte Williams asked about clearing the trees on corners of Bonny Rigg for better vision to see on-coming traffic when turning from Skyline Ridge. Ed Williams mentioned that he had spoken to Derek Boomsma about it and that he is willing to do that trimming.

Carleen Kristensen and Charlotte Williams volunteered to maintain the gardens at the Skyline Ridge entrance.

It was noted that the town of Otis just got broadband Internet. It was suggested that we investigate the status of Becket receiving high-speed Internet. 

Jim McKellar noted that Boomsma’s contract includes three loads of gravel on the road twice a year. He asked that Boomsma focus on the front of the road which rutted currently. Ed Williams suggested a screening gravel which would last longer and offered to discuss it with Boomsma and to ask about costs. Jim was to connect Ed and Boomsma to discuss this option.


A motion to adjourn was made by Jim McKellar and seconded by Marsha Edell. The meeting was adjourned.