Skyline Ridge Property Owners' Association
2012 Annual Meeting Minutes
September 30, 2012
Meeting called to order by Sal Barbaro at 12:15 p.m.
Sal Barbaro, Tanya Barbaro, Stan Borko, Arnie Drucker, Joan Drucker, Sean McGlone, Jack Rodhouse, Kathy Rodhouse, Becky Tanner, John Tanner, Barbara Winters, Martin Winters
An auction was held for lot 25; Northtree LLC acquired lot 25 through the auction, and lot 1 through default; Skyline Ridge had liens on both parcels. After consulting with our attorney and Northtree LLC, the board decided to accept attorney fees plus $1,000 as a settlement. Northtree has also paid the dues on both lots for the remainder of the dues year and will continue to pay dues on both lots.
Lot 1 has wet land issues and may not support a building permit. A costly engineering study is necessary for determination. However, both lots are up for sale.
As of this meeting, dues are pending on four lots.
A street light has been installed at the entrance to Skyline Ridge at a cost of $10 per month. In order to have Western Mass Electric bill the association directly, we had to register with the State of Massachusetts as a non-profit association. Legal fees for the package which included a seal stamp and tax ID number was $350.
Review of proposed covenants amendments. The board will move forward with incorporating the following amendments to the covenants:
- Minimum 1,800 Sq. foot structure requirement does not include basements or walkout basements.
- Building plans to be submitted to the board for review and verification of covenant compliance.
- A $1,000 bond shall be secured by the homeowner and presented to the board prior to any construction.
- No storage or extended parking of construction vehicles and or equipment on property. Fines may be assessed by the board as necessary.
- We pay Hamilton Farm Landscaping for road maintenance every month as part of a long-term contract
- In 2012 we have been paying Western Mass Electric Company for the street light at the entrance to the community. The light helps provide safety and security to the community.
- As of September 28, 2012 the checking account balance is $20,580.
- Lots 1, 25 and 33 have not paid their 2013 dues as of September 28.
Election of Officers: Sean McGolne was unopposed for re-election to the board for a three-year term.
The board discussed the late fee schedule and determined it is excessive and places an unrealistic hardship on the lot owners. The board realizes the importance of some kind of penalty for late dues. A $75 and $50 late fee was discussed. A motion was made by Arnie Drucker and second by Stan Borko to set late fees at $50 per month. Majority voted $50 effective immediately.
An open discussion was held regarding the condition of the entrance to Skyline Ridge. The board recognized and thanked Marty Winters for his proposed plans and sketches on remodeling of the entrance. A committee was formed consisting the board and Marty and Barbara Winters for the project. Marty volunteered Barbara to draw up the working plans.
Illegal structure on lot 33: A lien will be placed on lot 33 for nonpayment of the 2012 and 2013 dues years. Additional legal action will address the illegal structure constructed on said lot. Local and state officials will be involved.
A motion to adjourn was made by Marty Winters and seconded by Jack Rodhouse. The meeting adjourned at 2:00 p.m.