Skyline Ridge Property Owners' Association
2011 Annual Meeting Minutes
October 8, 2011
Location of Meeting: Becket Town Hall
Meeting opened with a welcome from current board members, Sal Barbaro, Sean McGlone, and John Tanner.
Meeting was called to order at approximately 12:20 p.m.
Sal Barbaro, Tanya Barbaro, Stan Borko, Jack DosSantos, Maria DosSantos, Arnie Drucker, Sean McGlone, Stu Napear, Rebecca Tanner, John Tanner, Barbara Winters, Martin Winters
Garfield Homes, owner of lot 25, has defaulted on its note and the property was subject to foreclosure. As a result, all liens attached to said property are null and void. Auction was held at site on October 7, 2011, at noon. Northtree LLC, the original developers, assumed ownership for the sum of $32,000. Although the association will not recover any past dues or late fees, we will now see the dues fee paid by Northtree LLC.
Additionally, the owner of lot one has relinquished ownership of said parcel back to Northtree LLC. The Association was able to recover some fees (two thousand dollars of which one thousand is attorney fees) with this action. As with lot 25, Northtree LLC will assume responsibility for the payment of dues once all documentation has been filed. Both lots are being offered for sale by Northtree LLC and will be listed on our web site when final figures become available.
With the completion of this litigation, the next action by the board will be to strengthen and clarify our covenants with the following:
- The minimum 1,800 square foot requirement for homes will not include basements and/or walkouts.
- All building plans must be submitted to the board for approval prior to applying for a building permit from the town.
- A building fee will be established for all new homes to be built in the community.
- Increasing and improving enforcement and language for dues collection.
- Any property owner who sells their property must inform the board prior to closing date.
The details of these clarifications/changes have not been established, but the community will be kept informed and a vote will be held in the near future.
As of this meeting, the treasury has a balance of $18,400. Three lots are now delinquent (not including the Northtree parcels) with their dues payments. They will be assessed late fees accordingly.
Sal Barbaro was unopposed and was reelected to another three year term.
Our contractor B & B landscaping has gone out of business two years short of completing their five-year contractual agreement. Fortunately we did not pre-pay for these services and did not lose any money.
However, this left the board scrambling for a replacement. Thanks to Board Member Sean McGlone, we were able to enlist the services of Hamilton Farm Landscaping, a local Becket contractor who also is contracted to Indian Lakes Estates. We were able to negotiate the same five year contractual agreement we had with B & B Landscaping in addition to a nine dollar savings per month. Every little bit helps. We also need to make it clear to Hamilton how often the brush hogging of the roadside is required. Marty Winters, lot 2, also brought to the attention of the board of a possible future washout issue with the roadway on the south side of Skyline Ridge Road between lots one and two. We will advise Hamilton and have them address the matter as necessary.
An illegal structure (according to the Becket Town Building Inspector and as specified in the Skyline Ridge Covenants) has been erected on lot 33. The Town Building Inspector has advised us that the lot owners Attorney was informed that the structure needs to be removed. As of this meeting, the illegal structure still stands. The Board did not pursue this matter aggressively this pass year due to the pressing litigation matters during this period. However, the Association members present at this meeting expressed concern over the planned usage for this illegal structure, which in the opinion of some of the home owners and full-time residents at Skyline Ridge, was covertly erected. The board will contact the Becket Town Building Inspector through our Attorney for action on this matter.
Discussion on a redesign and landscaping of the entrance to Skyline Ridge: Marty Winters has volunteered to submit a plan for review as well as doing some of the plantings. Jack DosSantos has offered to donate assorted size stone from his land as needed for the project. It is anticipated that most of the work will be provided by a few of the association members with the Home Owners Association supplying the materials. Hamilton Farm Landscapers will also be requested to provide an estimate for this work as well.
The street light that was affixed to the electrical pole at the entrance to the development has been removed after we requested to have the bulb changed. We are not sure who did this but we want it back. This poses a safety concern as this intersection is a bus stop for some of our resident’s children. Additionally, at night many people have missed the turn into the development. This could also be the case for emergency vehicles responding to our area. Sal will contact the electric company as well as the town regarding this issue.
A tentative date for next year’s meeting is September 8, 2012. The 2013 dues will be due August 31, 2012. However, as in the past, dues received at or by the meeting date of September 8, 2012 will not be subject to late fees. Dues received after this date will incur a late fee retroactive to September 1, 2012.
Motion to adjourn by Stu Napear second by Marty Winters. All in favor.