Skyline Ridge Property Owners' Association
2010 Annual Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2010
Meeting called to order at 12:10 PM
Sal Barbaro, Tanya Barbaro, Stan Borko, Jack DosSantos, Arnie Drucker, Sean McGlone, Becky Tanner, John Tanner, Peggy Thomann, Ralph Thomann
Liens placed on lots 1 and 25. Judgment on lot 1, however, we will not see any monies owed until land is sold. We will see if it is cost effective to proceed with a judgment on lot 25 for the full amount owed.
As of this meeting we have $2,100 in checking and $16,000 in our savings accounts. Any dues payments received after today’s meeting will incur a $50.00 late fee retroactive to October 1, 2010.
Road conditions have faired well this past year. Very little damage or repairs were required. However, after our yearly contractual road maintenance was completed, the area treated with the gravel was less than satisfactory and required a return visit by the contractor for repair. This too was not to our satisfaction so once again, a return visit is warranted to correct this deficiency. We have learned that the new machine operator employed by B & B Landscaping (our contractor), is not as savvy with the workings of this equipment as the previous employee (Boomer). Not our problem. This will be corrected.
The Board of Directors will investigate if a quorum is required to amend the covenants to include the following previously discussed clarifications:
- Total required minimum 1800 square footage shall not to include walk out basements or basements.
- Building plans submitted to board for approval.
- Building fee be established prior to construction.
- Increase enforcement language for dues payments.
Frank Rizza has decided not to run for re-election. A call was put to the floor for any nominations for the Treasurers position on the Board of Trustees. Arnie Drucker nominated John Tanner; the nomination was seconded by Stan Borko. All in favor. We welcome John to the position and also wish to thank Frank Rizza for his outstanding and dedicated service to The Skyline Ridge Property Owners Association.
The street light was damaged during the last ice storm. A call was made to Western Mass Electric, and the bulb was changed. Let there be light. However, shortly thereafter there was no light. There was not even a light fixture on the pole. It was later learned that it was removed by Western Mass Electric. The board believes this is a safety issue, as this intersection serves as a bus stop for some of our young Skyline Ridge residents. We will continue to work this issue and hope to resolve it shortly.
The Town of Becket’s property reassessment levied new taxes affecting all of Skyline Ridge property owners as well as many other town residents. Any Skyline Ridge resident or property owner, who did not dispute the reassessment within 30 days of the initial notice, must wait for the next regular tax bill in February 2011. The DosSantos family advised us that they won their abatement for their home on lot 6, and property on lot 7.
Street sign at the intersection of Skyline Ridge Rd. and Valley View Rd. at lot 19 is in need of repair. Sal Barbaro stated he will fix it.
Skyline Ridge has a new and improved web site, The password for lot owners is BECKET. We are moving toward making this our main source of communication and information dissemination to all Skyline Ridge property owners. This will help keep postal fees at a minimum. We still require additional email addresses from some members.
Next year’s meeting will held in September.
Motion made to adjourn by John Tanner, second by Arnie Drucker. All in favor.